Traditional Attitude

The working-class is about being proud of who you are, where you come from, and working to get the things you deserve in life, be traditional and be proud! If you are not true to yourself you are not going to be true to anyone that looks upon you.

Power to defend my family

Power to defend my family, most certainly! ”What thinker expressed an encouraging situation where a mother is at home with her two kids who has zero chance of stopping a thug twice her size coming through a window?

Only an illusion to those who don't understand firearms can easily be misinformed, or any topic that isn't analyzed. For example not knowing what a semi-automatic firearm is or what AR means.

Who is to judge a mental illness and who is unfit to own a gun, you, the government, or your neighbor's?

"You believe we should just give up our individual rights so we can try to create a society that has never existed and for which you can’t give even a theoretical template?”
So you want to create a utopia, a place where evil no longer exists and where everyone loves their fellow man?
The goal is to help people to understand that armed citizens and firearms are not threats, and may even save a life.Gun control laws empower criminals leaving law-abiding citizens unable to protect themselves and their families. We can't even keep drugs out of our penitentiaries but you expect me to disarm putting all my trust into the police? The police show up after the crime has already been committed to clean up the mess.
”You’re not going to completely change a mind on the spot. You can, however, make people think, and by thinking they can begin to grasp the importance of individual freedom.

Shall not be infringed.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.





Traditional Attitude

Traditional Attitude is NOT a POLITICAL organization nor do we represent any form of pointless scapegoat hatred!

Hypocrites at war;

I don't believe in the pointless hatred towards another human because of their differences in pigment, culture, theology, political ideas, dietary choices, or one's sexual enjoyment.
I will never relate to this arrogant and extremely ignorant state of mind.
Furthermore, I don't feel the desire to hate those who hate to the point of bashing a skull with hate to represent I don't hate.
I'm fully aware that some situations are unavoidable depending on the individual's mindset. Some can't be reasoned with, and without reason, we become extremely destructive.

If you can identify that I'm not a closed-minded meatheaded cockroach, therefore all I can do is respect that. I shall continue to live by example, formulating all my energy into an attempt not to be a hypocrite at war! Don't become what you are fighting against!

I respect the blunt honesty, even if it's not of my beliefs.
Left or right I could give a toss.
Me personally, I don't see anything wrong with being proud of the cultural heritage that made you into the person you are today.
So have pride without prejudice.
It's all the self-righteous schmucks who believe that they are superior to another race that are misguided.
Certainly, an unintelligent reason to be proud. Yet this race propaganda is not a reality of whom the authentic represent.
Passing judgment on someone for me takes extensively more then what you're complexion is showing, but it's more of what you say and achieves as a person.

Im not apart of any groups promoting separation, all are hypocritical. It seems like they are becoming what they abominate.

I'm just simply letting you know what I stand for. Which is also working-class values to provide the best I know how for my family.

Im a cultural person who is open-minded, but I can't see the world in such a way to feel like I'm surrounded by a lesser human because of his race.


Duration of our lessons learned have molded us into what we bring to conflict, memories of oversights not yet expressed have structured the armor we press against our chest with passionate pride. Misunderstood with every breath held, Left for dead by the ones who took an oath never to relinquish.
Our anthems can be heard with every action taken moreover felt if provoked.

Dad Religion

